Sunday, February 10, 2013

Crazy Hair - Picture Book Rhyming

Crazy Hair
By Neil Gaiman
Illustrated by Dave McKean

Crazy Hair by Neil Gaiman and illustrated by Dave McKean is a book based on Gaiman's poem.  This story is about a girl named Bonnie who is first curious about and then tries to comb the narrator’s crazy hair.

I would classify this as a picture rhyming book.  Each stanza ends in “crazy hair”.   This fantasy story has many imaginative people and things living in the stranger’s crazy hair: pirates, tigers, parrots, hunters, and hot air balloons. 
I am amazed at the details on each page, including the text.
Dave McKean uses bright colors, abstract art, which is fascinating!

Annie’s Thoughts

The illustrations are what first drew me to check this book out at my library.  I have read this book several times over, and each time I find something new in the illustrations.  The stranger’s hair flows through each page, changing in color and shape depending on the narration.

While this book may be a little dark or strange for some children, I think Crazy Hair will appeal to many girls and boys alike.  This story and illustrations will awaken the reader’s imagination. I also think this story is very relatable to many people, hence the widely popular term “bed head”.  I can picture parents happily and playfully reading this book to their crazy-haired children, while rustling a hand through their locks.  ‘Let me comb your hair before I get trapped in there with the bear and pirates’ might help ease the daily chore of brushing out the tangles of a sensitive scalped child.

Classroom Activates:

This story can be followed along with student creating their own crazy hair person.  A paper with a simple face can be handed out, and students can use markers, crayons, pipe cleaners, hay, tinsel, or yarn for hair. Then draw in the people and objects inside the hair as the story is read.

Writing prompt....Create your own ending to this story.

Response Questions:

What do you think of Bonnie’s insistence on combing the stranger’s hair?

In the end, does Bonnie seem happy to be stuck in the crazy hair? 

What would Bonnie find in your crazy hair?


Ball, M. (2009). Book Review: Crazy Hair.  Retrieved from
Gaiman, N. (2009). Crazy Hair. Retrieved from local library. 

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